Free Chack Pro II 50ml
Free Chack Pro II
Dibandingkan dengan Free Chack Pro, konsistensi telah dioptimalkan. Hal ini menyebabkan waktu pengeringan menjadi lebih singkat. Ini mencapai 100 % adhesi langsung ke permukaan blade. Ini berarti bahwa Bet bisa digunakan setelah perakitan. peningkatan rotasi mendukung pemain dengan cepat.
termasuk klip kayu, spons untuk aplikasi dalam kemasan kardus ramah lingkungan
Bahan : lem lateks
Free Chack Pro II
Compared to the Free Chack Pro, the consistency has been optimized. This results in a shortened drying time. This achieves immediate 100 % adhesion to the surface of the blade. This means that the racket is as powerful as possible immediately after assembly. The noticeably longer ball contact time and the increased rotation support the player immediately.
Free Chack Pro II
Adhesive bottle including wooden clips, sponge for application in environmentally friendly cardboard packaging
Material: latex glue