Hadraw SR FL
Regular price
Rp 1.540.000
Termasuk PPN.
Kayu alami kelas tinggi.
Penampilannya yang berkelas hanya salah satu
keunggulan dari bat Hadraw SR.
Mampu menghasilkan penyerangan ampuh.
High Class natural wood
Its classy appearance is only one strong point
of the brand new Hadraw SR blade.
Made from 7 ply wood, this high class blade also
delivers high class performance for uncompromised
Spesifikasi bat:
Plies/lapisan : 7W
Reaction/Reaksi : 10.8
Vibration/Getaran : 9.1
Plies/lapisan : 7W
Reaction/Reaksi : 10.8
Vibration/Getaran : 9.1