Chinese Real
Regular price
Rp 880.000
Termasuk PPN.
Dirancang untuk permainan dekat meja.
Kayu ringan dan keras sesuai dengan karakter
lapisan luar kayu Ayous.
Sangat baik untuk serangan cepat.
A long time best seller has returned!
Designed close to the table and
counter-drive play. The lightweight and
stiff characteristics of the Ayous wood
outer plies make it ideal for quick attacks
Conical handle. Plain wood backside.
Spesifikasi bat:
Plies/lapisan : 5W
Reaction/Reaksi : 11.6
Vibration/Getaran : 11.0
Plies/lapisan : 5W
Reaction/Reaksi : 11.6
Vibration/Getaran : 11.0